Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

Hello All!

Looking for a great place to shop but kinda short on cash??? Well, I have some great stores for you to check out! In celebration of Thrifty Thursday I did some serious research for all my recessionistas. Stores like Delia's, Dots, Forever21 (which now has plus sizes...yey!),Macy's and ModCloth offer cute summer dresses for various occasions. Guess what?!?!? Most of the items I found were under $50. Yes, you read that price correctly...50 big ones! Check out a few of the styles. Every Thursday I'll bring you inexpensive fashions,jewelry,beauty products,etc. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wild Card Wednesday

So, I woke up this morning with a resilient attitude. I am currently in transition from one school to another and one state to another. Starting over is very emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially draining!!!!

Before I moved to Atlanta I had a full-time decent paying job with benefits. Granted, I didn't really like my place of employment and I definitely wasn't going to be working there for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, it was decent steady money. Now, I find myself back at square one between two states, two schools, and looking for a new job!

I'm sure I don't have to tell anybody how difficult it is to find (almost nonexistent) employment. I know that I am more than qualified but I tend to be waiting by the phone for someone to call and say, "You got the job"! A nail biting empty space of time that usually results in hearing nothing. Some days I just want to stay in bed and give up, some days I'm searching for the lesson in this situation, and some days I just don't know.

Today was different! This day brought a new found optimism and persistence. It prompted me to update my facebook status to, "The devil should be tired of riding on my back because I'M NOT GIVING UP"!!! I strongly feel that our struggles and experiences and how we handle them, make us who we are. God is always preparing us for something. I think Will Smith was right when he said, "Greatness happens on the edge of destruction". Well folks, I am at the edge so great things have to be in store:-)

For any of you going through what I am going through, stay strong and keep pushing. In today's economy (especially) the strong survive and the weak perish. Good luck!

Tuesday Tips

Ok, so I was sitting at my computer thinking...and thinking...and thinking about what kind of tips I wanted to give to everyone for Tuesday Tips. I really couldn't think of anything major so here are a few little quick tips that may be helpful.

1. Take good care of your skin all year round (especially in the winter time) so that you can wear less make-up in the summer when it's really hot! I try not to wear any foundation,pressed powder, or blush in the summer months.

2. A really great inexpensive way to exfoliate your skin anytime of the year is to buy apricot facial scrub and use it on your entire body in the shower (or bath). You can also make your own exfoliating product by mixing olive oil and brown sugar. I use the scrub followed by a really intensive moisturizing body wash (i.e. Olay moisture ribbons). I also keep baby oil in the shower so I can rub it in while my skin is still moist. Towel off and your skin is silky smooth all day!

3. It is better to apply make-up with brushes instead of sponge applicators. However, it is important to clean your make-up brushes at least once a week. I soak my brushes in hot water/clarifying shampoo (Paul Mitchell Shampoo One). Then I rinse them thoroughly, spray them with leave in conditioner, and lay them out on a towel to air dry.

4. Be sure to wash your face at least twice a day! This is even more important in the summer. After we have been sweating all day and are exposed to so many allergens and pollutants our skin needs to rid itself of all free radicals and pore clogging oils. Use a deep pore cleaning cleanser and a light moisturizer. I also exfoliate and mask my skin once a week (normally Sunday's). Olay has a really great gentle daily exfoliate and Dermalogica has a lot of really awesome facial masks!

Well, I hope these tips will be helpful to all that are reading it. Look for many more Tuesday tips!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Make-up Monday

Hello All!

Today is the start of theme day (Monday-Friday)..tks for the idea Mahri:-) As you can see by the title, today is Make-up Monday!!!

I was reading an article in a magazine about make-up tips. The new hot make-up trend is a white eyeliner pencil. You can wear it alone (though I probably wouldn't) or underneath your favorite eyeshadow. I love this idea! However, when I read it I had to chuckle to myself. This is new??? I've been using white pencil eyeliner under my eyeshadow for!

The white pencil helps to tame loud eyeshadow or helps others stand out. I get countless compliments on my eye make-up and people are shocked to learn my secret (i.e. white eyeliner). The pencil acts as an adhesive on your lower lid. Any shadow you brush over the white liner is going to stay in place on your lid all day long! Go ahead...try it for yourself! can also use the white pencil on the rim of your bottom lash line then place black liner right underneath it. This really makes your eyes look bigger and brighter!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And God Created Woman.....

What an amazing title for the recent Louis Vuitton fashion show that highlighted curvy bodies! I think it's so great that womanly bodies were finally showcased on the runway. Correction, this wasn't the very first time but it's still a great accomplishment. I was absolutely surprised to see this from designers like Prada and L. Vuitton.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not trying to put down all the skinny girls by any means. However, real women have curves! Our bodies are so beautifully sculpted and we definitely deserve to be the center of attention.

Calling all voluptuous vixens, sensual curvy sweethearts, and fabulous fashionistas! Let's take over the runway!!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Plus size shame???

OK, so I just joined a local gym with some of my family members. I must say that I always feel as if the "fit" people in gyms look at you (if you're heavier) as if you don't belong there. I mean, we are looked down on if others feel we're not "taking care" of ourselves and then we get that same look when we walk into a gym. I actually found comfort in seeing other normal size people there. But really...what is the deal? I know so many women who really want to join a good gym and meet with trainers,etc. However, those same women tend to develop enormous amounts of anxiety because they fear those infamous stares and whispers. To this day I can't understand why our nation is so judgemental and discriminatory.

It has taken me years to learn to embrace my curves. Though I desire to get down to a more comfortable size (by my standards), I feel my body type is womanly and naturally sexy! Pride in being well endowed in various areas (i.e. breast, butt, and hips) has given me a certain kind of swagger:-)

I really urge people not to jump to conclusions regarding individuals with more meat on their bones. Everyone who is heavy is not unhealthy, lazy, depressed, has low self-worth, or is an over eater. Some of us,like myself, have metabolic and hormonal issues that cause weight gain no matter how much or how little we eat. God created all of us to be different so why do we continuously expect others to fit into our boxes? We all should accept people for who they are regardless if we like them or not! I strongly believe that if we spent more time encouraging one another and not festering in hatred, we would be a more relaxed and joyous society.

I challenge all of you reading this to embrace and love who God intended you to be. Don't spend your life trying to be someone else, be your best self. Hold your head up and rock your sexy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9 worst fashion crimes

This was such an interesting article (provided by that I had to share it!

9 Worst Fashion Crimes:

* head to toe white
* all leather looks
* cheeky headpieces
* the polite pump (i.e. granny church pumps)
* hippie dressing
* runway looks head to toe
* ironic grandma dressing
* really over sized bags
* the 80s when you're 80

Hopefully, you won't become a fashion "don't" victim. However, I believe that if you look good and feel confident...wear whatever the hell you want regardless if it's "in" or "out". Rock your best sexy!!!