Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wild Card Wednesday

So, I woke up this morning with a resilient attitude. I am currently in transition from one school to another and one state to another. Starting over is very emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially draining!!!!

Before I moved to Atlanta I had a full-time decent paying job with benefits. Granted, I didn't really like my place of employment and I definitely wasn't going to be working there for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, it was decent steady money. Now, I find myself back at square one between two states, two schools, and looking for a new job!

I'm sure I don't have to tell anybody how difficult it is to find (almost nonexistent) employment. I know that I am more than qualified but I tend to be waiting by the phone for someone to call and say, "You got the job"! A nail biting empty space of time that usually results in hearing nothing. Some days I just want to stay in bed and give up, some days I'm searching for the lesson in this situation, and some days I just don't know.

Today was different! This day brought a new found optimism and persistence. It prompted me to update my facebook status to, "The devil should be tired of riding on my back because I'M NOT GIVING UP"!!! I strongly feel that our struggles and experiences and how we handle them, make us who we are. God is always preparing us for something. I think Will Smith was right when he said, "Greatness happens on the edge of destruction". Well folks, I am at the edge so great things have to be in store:-)

For any of you going through what I am going through, stay strong and keep pushing. In today's economy (especially) the strong survive and the weak perish. Good luck!

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