Sunday, June 13, 2010

Plus size shame???

OK, so I just joined a local gym with some of my family members. I must say that I always feel as if the "fit" people in gyms look at you (if you're heavier) as if you don't belong there. I mean, we are looked down on if others feel we're not "taking care" of ourselves and then we get that same look when we walk into a gym. I actually found comfort in seeing other normal size people there. But really...what is the deal? I know so many women who really want to join a good gym and meet with trainers,etc. However, those same women tend to develop enormous amounts of anxiety because they fear those infamous stares and whispers. To this day I can't understand why our nation is so judgemental and discriminatory.

It has taken me years to learn to embrace my curves. Though I desire to get down to a more comfortable size (by my standards), I feel my body type is womanly and naturally sexy! Pride in being well endowed in various areas (i.e. breast, butt, and hips) has given me a certain kind of swagger:-)

I really urge people not to jump to conclusions regarding individuals with more meat on their bones. Everyone who is heavy is not unhealthy, lazy, depressed, has low self-worth, or is an over eater. Some of us,like myself, have metabolic and hormonal issues that cause weight gain no matter how much or how little we eat. God created all of us to be different so why do we continuously expect others to fit into our boxes? We all should accept people for who they are regardless if we like them or not! I strongly believe that if we spent more time encouraging one another and not festering in hatred, we would be a more relaxed and joyous society.

I challenge all of you reading this to embrace and love who God intended you to be. Don't spend your life trying to be someone else, be your best self. Hold your head up and rock your sexy!

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