Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday Tips

Ok, so I was sitting at my computer thinking...and thinking...and thinking about what kind of tips I wanted to give to everyone for Tuesday Tips. I really couldn't think of anything major so here are a few little quick tips that may be helpful.

1. Take good care of your skin all year round (especially in the winter time) so that you can wear less make-up in the summer when it's really hot! I try not to wear any foundation,pressed powder, or blush in the summer months.

2. A really great inexpensive way to exfoliate your skin anytime of the year is to buy apricot facial scrub and use it on your entire body in the shower (or bath). You can also make your own exfoliating product by mixing olive oil and brown sugar. I use the scrub followed by a really intensive moisturizing body wash (i.e. Olay moisture ribbons). I also keep baby oil in the shower so I can rub it in while my skin is still moist. Towel off and your skin is silky smooth all day!

3. It is better to apply make-up with brushes instead of sponge applicators. However, it is important to clean your make-up brushes at least once a week. I soak my brushes in hot water/clarifying shampoo (Paul Mitchell Shampoo One). Then I rinse them thoroughly, spray them with leave in conditioner, and lay them out on a towel to air dry.

4. Be sure to wash your face at least twice a day! This is even more important in the summer. After we have been sweating all day and are exposed to so many allergens and pollutants our skin needs to rid itself of all free radicals and pore clogging oils. Use a deep pore cleaning cleanser and a light moisturizer. I also exfoliate and mask my skin once a week (normally Sunday's). Olay has a really great gentle daily exfoliate and Dermalogica has a lot of really awesome facial masks!

Well, I hope these tips will be helpful to all that are reading it. Look for many more Tuesday tips!

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